Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chapter one of my book!

1. Explanation of jungle law and how it governs naturally the real Order out of Chaos

A young couple goes out for dinner to their favourite sea food restaurant in the middle of the restaurant is a tank with very low glass walls and inside lobsters await their fate. The restaurant manager ensures they do not leave the tank by making sure there is always more than one. Two laws govern them always they will stay together and they will never let the other rise above themselves. This natural law will keep them contained just up to the point they are boiled alive and eaten. The jungle represents the ultimate Chaos a myriad of misfit creatures trying desperately to stay alive. After while species die out and a balance is created and within that balance exist the laws that extend their existence. The creatures do not know of the rules just natural laws of nature that has helped them survive or exist. The parasites who infect the host to the point of killing them either run out of resources or exist because the hosts themselves are plentiful. There are Viruses and diseases that could wipe out entire populations ending the balance created by nature and this has happened in the past to the dinosaur age. The laws that keep our existence safe can be broken the jungle law is not a set of unbreakable laws.

From the time you are born you are taught basic survival needs for instance you are potty trained taught very early about waste management. This save tremendous money as you could imagine the alternative. After five years of life you are thrown in a room with other children and ready for the introduction of school. Kindergarten basically teaches the children to act as a group and prepares them for the classroom. The natural laws of humans is to survive as a group, we have maintained our existence surviving as a group of individuals. The world is a hostile place for a human being who is alone, we have hospitals to battle the unseen enemies that fight our bodies from within. The police battle the criminals who choose not to serve the collective but to serve only themselves in a manner very dangerous to society. The firemen will put out any fires you accidentally make. In grade one to twelve you will be taught how to be a part of society and educated so you could participate or be some working part of the community. The natural laws that have kept us functioning for so long are all around us. The criminal organizations can provide the best example of surviving natural law because even though they have achieved ruthlessness they still have rules amongst themselves to achieve their goals.

Criminals function on the same natural laws as we do the only difference is their agenda or method is not compatible with society. Their willingness to kill rob or steal threatens the integrity of the well being of society and man made laws are made to deter them from these actions. Society allows police to infiltrate the criminals, lie about their Identities or agenda so they can expose these elements and bring them forth to a court where a jury made up of the societies people with the help of a judge decides their fate. The question of whether the police officer lies to the criminal element is never in question because it is governed by a natural law. This natural law exists because society is capable of existing, the officer swears on a bible that he is telling the truth yet he has successfully proven he can be deceptive to very cunning criminals. The same natural law differentiates what is murder and what is a soldiers duty, society will train soldiers to go out and kill for political views or ideologies that can come under threat. I once thought of peace activists as very nutty due to the fact mans natural instinct is to fight, I never realized they were a necessary balance to aggression and they are fighting for peace a goal everyone can agree on and therefore becomes natural law. Those protestors are the future politicians forming out of disagreement of how things should be run, when they choose so in a democracy they can ask all of us to share their views and they will show how they can achieve peace in a very volatile world.

So here we are 2009 President Hussein Obama just closed down a prison that tortured the inmates, the prison that has been in direct violation of the Geneva convention. Does this mean the natural laws of society have been broken?, are we in fact watching the end of a great balance of human kind. We are beginning to feel the onslaught of a great depression, the governments seem to feel they should reinvest billions of dollars into very old ideas and supply companies that no longer have the ability to compete in the markets. In my opinion it is just another way of taking the customer element out of the equation and letting these companies remain wealthy even though they have lost the ability to provide a service to the community. What good is the car company if the customers can not afford to buy their products?

Some where in the jungle is a creature called a spider monkey it is formidable, agile and a very tasty dish to a tribe that lives near. It can swing so fast through the trees that any human hunter can not possibly keep up. One day a young hunter laid his lunch down on a fallen tree and he watched closely as the spider monkey approached. The animal reached through branches grabbed the banana and something miraculous happened the creature refused to let go. The boy had time to reach for his club line up and bash him over the head. The Spider monkey had a natural law in its nature, when it grabbed food it refused to let go even if the consequences meant death. This created a way of naturally capturing the delicacy that has been so hard for the tribe to acquire. This natural law defines the path we decide to take whether it is a factory worker, beggar , thief ,criminal whatever we decide is the mechanism to facilitate our daily food source. There are so many different ways we can acquire food and lodging so lets look at the different point of views. What is the difference between a beggar and a salesman or a government lobbyist? technically the other jobs can be useful to the community but the Beggar works equally just as hard to convince people he needs the money and depending on the skill they can acquire vast fortunes.

The banks originally had to hire accountants and tellers and security nowadays powerful computers automatically look after the money. Automated teller windows replace the necessity for banks to hire tellers leaving one or two hired for personal banking. You are still charged a dollar every transaction and they ask you if you need insurance in case some fraudster tricks them into giving away your money. You are also charged a dollar more every time you bank on a teller machine that is not your original bank. If you chose to run a business in Canada you need a G.S.T number so every transaction you have to pay 7% plus a myriad of taxes. Every business even as simple as bread has this process making every ingredient very expensive. Now Keep in mind we import from countries with different Ideologies such as communism Which supports slavery. When you remove the competitive markets efficiency is never challenged allowing for another downgrade in the societal function. When the government owns everything the administrators compete for financing sometimes throwing away money so they can justify a bigger budget next time. This has been shown to be true in such things as health care where doctors are not free to compete in open markets instead they are given a budget and treat patients like a number to be processed.

Wal-Mart has benefited from communist markets and has been able to compete against the heavily taxed western local stores even though their products like bread and other groceries have been shipped from over seas. We are in a depression simply because we hung on to our banana and never looked up to see the big club about to bash in our heads. We no longer have the capacity to feed the entire community everything is now in the hands of people with an entirely different agenda than our own society. What they plan to do with this power I will define further on in this book. A long time ago oil rights have been removed from the farmers and foreign interests now control this countries resources. When farmers sell their crops the product is sold to a government run buyer who dictates prices dependant on how efficiently they can sell and deliver the product. The proceeds have never been funnelled back to the community that helped produce the product. Old flower mills that once had the right idea now are turned into bars and restaurants. Once upon a time we had doughnut shops and bakeries competing against each other showing off fresh goods. Now you can buy doughnuts processed in the east, frozen half cooked delivered to the west and the taste is the best Tim Hortons can do. The skills of the pastry chef now lost to the community and not taught to the upcoming generation who expect the products to be there.

What comes around goes around a long time ago fur traders bought beaver pelts from the natives and traded petty products and made a fortune off them. Soon they took over the land hunted the buffalo almost to extinction. What makes our society any different we can be exploited just as good as the societies in the past. The banks are already foreclosing on land making empty houses available for imported labour not indigenous to our country so they will never know the difference. The foreigners will welcome the oppression because they were never informed of anything different. The natural laws as you can see quite clearly can work for anyone who can understand them. This is just a tip of the ice burg of examples of the laws that govern the natural world. These laws can be broken and if we are not careful our society can be devoured and be replaced by something else. The natural laws that protect us can also be used against us as it did for the two crabs making sure they never escape they were self governed and conveniently contained.

A long time ago a ship named Amistad landed in a port and the debate of slavery started once more. This time the people in question looked different from the others as they were another race and without really getting to know them they were assumed they did not mind being enslaved. John Quincy Adams fought for their rights and freedoms and listened to them reasoning and driving home their right to be free. Man Kind has always fought off oppression from people who believe themselves to be superior in one way or another. The desire to be the best is built within ourselves we thrive for excellence or just that feeling we are above others. The human ego and sexuality is definitely another part of the natural laws that govern our behaviour. The humiliation of being under someone elses control is humbling and deep respect for freedom emerges. Religions are created out of opinions of interpretations of biblical scripture and sometimes the religion does not even match the bible they follow. It was realized long ago we had to all agree we could follow anyones belief as long as it did not adversely effect society and its laws.

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves once and for all ending the debate of humans enslaving other humans. He was assassinated for his efforts but did wake up a lot of people before his demise. The statue of Abraham Lincoln still looks on over Washington But so does Albert Pike founder of the KKK a group of people trying to keep the other race held in submission and fear. The natural law that gives us the ego will always drive us to struggle to be free to naturally procreate and live out our lives the best we can. When this law is broken we lose all negotiations. When our lives are threatened we lose the trust that allows us to roam free around our country promised not to be harmed. 2007-2008 showed a very unstable market where gas prices have skyrocketed it grew harder to even purchase gas as the stations did not allow you to fill your tank and walk in and pay. Of course I am Canadian and if another individual from another country read this book he would laugh as he searches for gas fighting off people trying to steal his or her car.

A community can provide safety and comfort but so often because life is finite and we die and have to pass the knowledge on we lose the ability to maintain the society structure. The natural laws that have guaranteed our strength and prosperity broken. With the age of the internet information has been easier to obtain and people have had the freedom to educate themselves far beyond the controlled institutions that serve larger social agendas. We no longer have the ability to function as one entity but have evolved into something most people are unsure of. The internet has its downside as pornography has found a new place to dwell. The simple understanding of procreation has turned into a confusing myriad of unsafe practices that do not serve to further the interests of mankind in general. One can become an unwitting slave to the enticing social groups that serve only to discard societies values and serve more selfish interests. Dont misunderstand me I am not running the internet down it has provided me untapped resources that have helped me envision this book.

We exist in a fragile bubble of peace gifted by people who have faith in each other and the divine. In Canada we have been able to watch from a distance the horrors of societies that have fallen or terrorized by tyrannical governments. To believe we have a normal unchanged future without the natural laws that have bound us together long ago is a pipe dream at best. What we were born into was gift from people tired of war and conflict unfortunately the youth have been trained by games to embrace war and they do not care for the reasons involved. The natural respect for each other is lost and according to sun Tzu these youth will make a very poor army. Without moral leadership they will have to be enticed by illicit means making them very vulnerable to the enemy they will eventually face. We are told we are all created equal which is true but what we do from there is different and can lead to separate levels of achievement. The truths we accept to live by will govern what stage or class we live whether it is lower, middle or high class. The lower class will struggle with living from pay check to pay check acquiring work from others while the middleclass will achieve success by creating the work and owning the company involved. The high class or elite live their lives out by sometimes old money or just a lucky invention or business idea that perpetuates income beyond middleclass standards. Natural laws keep these classes separate as it is advertised in our society we do have a choice where we will be placed. Some Street Beggars have better abilities than some of the best car salesman but have chosen their place in society and know very little how to enjoy the other position denied to them due to knowledge and training.

I once came across an individual who talked so much about themselves that I could not get in a word. I realized I never mattered in their world and became disinterested in their achievements and history. I did gain some insight and wisdom with this encounter I figured out that I could be that person if I cared so much about my self I had to sell those facts to others. I realized a natural law was there and this person was unwittingly breaking it. Every ego wants to feel superior to the next so to become important to others you have to have some value to their ego. During the last great depression there was a man nicknamed by the Media Bible Bill his real name was William Aberhart. The Media ridiculed him and never realized he was the most popular politician ever in Alberta. Just like today the media has lost touch with the local community and do not have a real understanding of the mentality that governs them. The mass media today now supported by corporate interests trying to peddle their Ideas how things should function. William Aberhart introduced Ideas that put the community first put them back in control seat. This altered the power back to the communities where the problems that arose could be dealt with instead of ignored. Governments get too big and the representatives of the communities are ignored or taught to follow agendas created by other influences this becomes evident when politicians are voted in on one banner and cross the floor or worse form coalitions that out rate violate the right of the voter.

During the time of the last depression the Media lost touch just the same as today they have lost the integrity that can only be derived from natural respect. CNN is the worst they once bragged that army captains have turned huge carriers around due to news casts from CNN and they figured there orders were to follow. Then came these die hard reporters that supported the presidency so much it looked sick and it was. They literally ridiculed anyone who had a different opinion called them disloyal and shamelessly pumped terrorism to their own agenda demanding more loyalty to a president who had disregarded human rights. When the depression was announced the broadcasters seemed to giggle and laugh and seemed in high spirits while such scary and devastating news was told. Obama got elected in and again they catered to the presidents color and focused on racial issues and truly have forgotten the real power is the people in the small communities and large cities. News is broadcasted in two ways one you can read at the bottom of the screen or you can see what the broadcasters have to say. I prefer internet where I can research what really happened and not hear the propaganda or be forced to accept what private interests not linked to a functional society want me to think.

During the last depression Mackenzie King was in charge a liberal and he was not very popular with the people and they did try to overthrow him several times. Today the Liberals are attempting another illicit coalition so they can comfortably use the people once again through this depression. The power eventually came back to the farmers who could supply once again the raw materials that could feed the communities. They formed the United Farmers association a necessary function to acquire fuel for the farm tractors to keep functioning. Even in the electronic games you built communities and if you forgot such things as flower mills your people rebelled and you never achieved a very healthy army. The bakeries in some far off factories will employ people until the communities lack the jobs to purchase the goods because locally they do not have that big factory to provide the jobs. There are no government representatives rushing in to restore self sustaining communities instead they pump the propaganda over the news to spend more. If you spend more at Wal-Mart you will find the cheapest price but you will fund a society that supports slavery and has no respect for our way of life. The natural sustainability of our vast society depends on self sustainability. We have to look to the past and remember our mistakes and not let the people who made the mistakes last time keep functioning as our leaders. Even though several generations have past the same damaging ideologies and even the same names reoccur over and over.

I heard on the news another outbreak of a dangerous bacteria haunts the Maple leaf meat packing plants. I was thinking maybe centralizing the factories in one area is not such a good idea and maybe one careless mistake could kill millions because the factory is now to large to handle. The eugenics activists like Maurice strong could look at the factory and simply offer the solution of downsizing the people. I will of course go into more detail later in this book. Maple leaf has made apologies for the deaths and the society forgives this dangerous infraction that is happening more and more including china now suffering milk scandals where 300,000 infants are affected. We can expect more dangerous and more frequent mishaps as we overlook the needs of the people and listen to a media that caters to a unconcerned few.

Did you hear about the man who packed up sold his land to finance his searching for gold only to find the new owner found gold on his former property. A lot of people in a fallen society look to the symbols of power for hope and never realized they are selling out the power in their community. Byron Prior of Newfoundland packed up his things headed to Ottawa to protest the injustices of his family. He ended up wining and dining other lobbyist in hope of making a difference and spent his budget. As long as he had money he felt he was making a difference mimicking the politicians who wondered the same fancy restaurants. I would of fell for the same foolishness had I been given a budget and told to make a break through in my cause. I am not running down a man who is fighting for freedom and dignity just learning from his trials and errors. How ever he achieved the funding was the actual power that could make the changes in his own community that is necessary to achieve his goals. When I heard of Byron Priors cause I phoned him offered to help and found he did not appreciate my methods or my offers to help. He still looks for the justice or the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow which of course does not exist.

There are a lot of victims really hurting when the fundamental natural laws of society are breaking up. They power up rallies and demonstrations and then the police come in and force them to apply for demonstration permits that legislate them to protest miles away from the symbols of power. Searching the internet you might happen upon these sites fighting for injustices and they can show you wild weaponry for crowd control. The original idea is a tazer gun that has killed a few people instead of subduing them properly. Video have shown misuse of tazer guns where the person is tortured into submission with the gun pressed precisely on the persons chest. The army came up with a dish that blasts a microwave that literally can make peoples skin crawl, searing pain harmlessly rip through the individual leaving no harmful affects. This is why there is a law never to allow your military to turn on your own people this would be instant destruction of your own society as the real power and supply of soldiers actually comes from the citizens they target. Back to childrens computer games where you have to create a balance to maintain peace and order or you are denied the military power to defeat your opponent.

The United Nations home to peace and justice for all nations or is it? Maurice Strong advocates in the Edmonton Journal eugenics programs. High officials are still trying to crawl out of the oil for food scandals. Former ambassador to the United Nation Allan Rock mired in ethics scandals involving taking a fishing trip with the Erving family only to create laws that benefit the corporate family. Yet all the activists throw their complaints at the United Nations as if they will offer them the cures to all the evils that plague a society that has forgotten how to exist. Seriously check out the company that publishes all the United Nations material look up the former name of the publisher I will of course talk about this more later in this book. Myron Fagan has interesting information that will of course be discussed later on as well. We live in a time where crime is solved in one or two hours and the good guy always prevails. We watch the news and everyday we are shown the bad guy who did terrible things is finally caught. The real bad ones are offered book deals that become best sellers as our curiosity into the morbid increases. Have you seen the cartoons available for the children unbelievable acts of racism violence and sexual content. I watched a British show where a lady sat on a toilet and signalled her answer via a microphone recording when she urinated. The look on her face was utter embarrassment I could see something within her knew there was something wrong and when I looked at my nieces and nephews they looked at me as if I was to make a big speech. I shook my head and walked away embarrassed for the people watching and the performer.

Is it possible we can reconnect the damaged natural laws that were broken that has allowed us freedom for so long. I believe we can and some where along the way we can find justice for Byron Prior and his family. If we can find the dignity and respect that has been lost for so long we can rebuild what has been lost to us. The symbols that we were taught to be the power we would have to replace with our own representation of justice and freedom. We can rebuild society but first we must know exactly what is making society sick. The children may have forgotten respect and the cartoons that are promoted today are not the best but I did see a glimmer of hope when I seen my niece rebel against a Nazi cartoon and turn the channel I was not sure whether it was the cartoon making fun of the holocaust or just simply she reacted to my disgust. Have you seen the movie the wicker man starring Nicolas Cage or how about Eyes Wide Shut starring Tom Cruise where the heroes end up tortured. I was angered by the movie wicker man a show where a man searches this cult for his kid only to find himself trapped in a wicker cage burned alive.

A man sat in front of the bus travelling to his proud homeland only to be asked to sit in the back of the bus by a British Soldier. He had to comply because the individual was armed and many more soldiers backed him up at the destination. Mahatma Ghandi knew his society was in trouble and was taken over by another society that had no respect for him or any of his people. His last straw of dignity plucked from him he decided to repair the damage and restore the healthy respect his people once had. He focused on peaceful demonstrations and found vulnerabilities in the control the enemy had over him. He figured out the basic food preservative in the desert was salt and people needed that salt to survive. The British government made it illegal to make there own salt making them very dependant on the British salt mines. This kept the citizens in check as long as they needed salt to purify their food. Much the same way we need energy to heat our homes and gas for our cars we are dependant on the system that has and will deny us the same dignity Mahatma Ghandi was denied. Ghandi marched to the ocean and made salt encouraging others to free themselves from the bonds of the British empire. This worked and has made India an independent country separated from the British Empire.

In modern times we have forgotten people like Stanley Meyers who was killed because he invented a water powered car. Stanley Meyers fought with scientists never realizing he had the key to mankinds freedom from oppressive government. He had the cure for a society slowly being devoured by foreign interests. Much the same as Nicola Tesla he was ridiculed and stopped from succeeding and hidden from history in the hopes citizens do not wake up and follow. Just about the time Ghandi no longer sits at the back of the bus he is assassinated and again the society begins to degrade. Ghandi took advantage of a fundamental natural law that we all have. We all want to survive and be free and when he found the chains and discovered the tools to free the people they were able to peacefully emancipate their country from a society who did not have their best interests at heart. A long time ago a British confederate Sir John a McDonald created a police force to govern Canada and keep the citizens under British rule. Sir John A McDonald was a confederate and his police force enforced the confederate ideologies they were known as the North West mounted Police known today as the RCMP. Most of the elite or upper class in the east followed the confederate Ideologies as it provided them with a means to be quite wealthy. The middleclass followed the Ideas of Abraham Lincoln and well over fifty thousand fought for the freedom of the slaves. These Canadians some who ranked high positions were never mentioned in our modern day history because we never broke away from the confederate power of the British. Sir John A McDonald suppressed Louis Riels uprising and lost face with the people ending his career as Canadian Prime Minister.

We all heard the horrors of Sir John A McDonalds CPR that was built on Chinese labour and come payday they were murdered as they had gotten drunk. They were unwilling slaves that had no chance to revolt due to the remoteness of the project. Louis Riels unfair trial still rings injustice and has been rein acted in classes to remind students of unfair practices. Very little is said what he did to be tried since the charges were false there had to be some motive that initiated his demise. Later as the stench is cleaned up fellow confederates celebrate his achievements and once again wave the confederate flag as a man of color is elected president in the United States. Abraham Lincoln is a celebrated hero because he fought for human rights and Sir John A McDonald is a hero because he built a Country terrorizing native Indians and enslaving Chinese and murdering them. The people we use for our symbolism is not quite the best representation of us is it. We continue to use RCMP forces in every community and trust them explicitly to deliver justice even though they have had corruption in the ranks and of course the Barn burning incident. Of course after while they were not trusted in international affairs so they started a new Civilian authority called CSIS. The Arar case involving the East India airlines and of course the Grant Bristow affair show again the names have been changed and the same corruption exists. We are in modern times now and things are much worse as a the book covert entry by Andrew Metrovica reveals spying on the telephones and private mail. In the book he reveals a company that watch Canadian citizens mail owned and operated privately by RCMP. Grant Bristow Whom I mentioned earlier set up a Heritage front supposedly to reveal Aryan nations activists but instead he filters them into a legitimate political party trying to reform government. Preston manning is accused of receiving money from South Africa and his party is destroyed once again allowing the politicians to run again disconnected to the community. A minority report written by Val Meredith reveals the allegations false and is largely ignored by the media who in turn misleads the people with rumours and lies.

I am reminded of the lessons of the Monopoly game I played when I was a kid my friend was quite smart and I learned a lot playing games with him. Not all rules of the game are written in the board game rules there are natural laws to the game that govern the players behaviour that are not written down. I lost every game I played with him he was that good at the beginning he knew certain deals could be obtained at no risk to himself. He started a note pad recording down bank loans to make the game last even longer. He then purchased more monopoly money to even stretch out the game longer. I believe it was the day he brought back the extra monopoly money I realized he was tooling me. I knew how to win I just did not have the ability to confront him about it till that day he increased the money. I never allowed the deals that would give him the victory he grew furious because he knew early on in the game we had equal footing. He stopped the game accusing me of not dealing with him in a fair manner. We both agreed are friendship was worth more than a monopoly game and I never played again and never won. That game bothered me I had the ability to win and of course if we played more than one player I had a chance but My friend knew this and never played me again. When you play monopoly with family and friends there are strategies that are quite ruthless and can upset a girlfriend or wife and these rules are not written in the rules on the back of the box. I played a couple who ganged up on me to win the game and of course I allowed it and never mentioned I knew what they had done. Telling them they cheated would of done me no good as well as cheapen their evening and another loss of friends. If we were playing for real money I would of invited my friend to help me clean up of course revealing to him their tactics.

I often wondered later if the real world was represented in this way could this lesson be bigger than my friend and I. Who created the money and who receives that big debt our governments pay into? Why is the American dollar bill have a pyramid on it which we know was built by slaves? Who put the dollar bill together and why and is it fair to the people. I will answer more later in this book for now I wanted to look at the natural law that governs the game that is not written in the rule book. The Natural law is the negotiation I have made with my friend that governed many of the games and never allowed me to win. I did discover how to win but it meant changing a pattern that had formed over the years and in the case of real life many centuries. I enjoyed the game even though I knew I had no chance of winning, I had fun till he brought in the extra money and bragged to friends his master skills of the game. In real life I guess it is the article of Maurice Strong talking about all his achievements and his ideas that the poor should be euthanized that has me not so relaxed about the real life game being played. You have the same choices as me do you keep playing or do you step back and take a look at what really has transpired over the years. Do you have enough Go money to challenge people who have hotels and fancy cars and can hire an army and send them after you if they take offence to anything you have to say? Can you speak louder than their hired media outlets that promote the rules they have flourished in so long. Do you have the confidence to tell your friends the game they have been playing is rigged to provide comfort for only a select few people. When they complain how unfair things are do you have the guts to tell them they are part responsible for not supporting a cause to change things. Do you have the strength when they attempt to kill the messenger of bad news. Byron Prior thinks he can he is taking on the owner of Canadian Tire T Alex Hickman a ex Chief justice who celebrated his promotion to politics by defiling his little sister . He is a fellow liberal confederate and I will explain more later in this book.

Winning games is a simple matter of finding the weakness of your opponent or in my case I found where my friend was exploiting my weakness. Later on many years later after my friend was married I run into him again he was playing a electronic game called master of Orion. We negotiated he had to teach me everything he knew about the game in no time he taught me ways to beat the computer at the highest levels but when it come to challenging him his experienced kicked in and once again I was searching for a way to win always wondering if I was letting him win once again conditioned to lose by the natural laws that governed the monopoly game so long. The game was never ending and some turns took hours to play and once we played with his wife only to discover I was playing two to one. The real life lessons to these games are still unfolding especially chess. Some games promote something different have you ever come across the game Grand Theft auto In the game children are encouraged to race cars act like ruthless gangsters beat up on old ladies and they get points for mayhem. I am not sure whether or not the children will act out the characteristics of the game but it will open up avenues they never thought of when they are forced in life to seek paths they know to survive and of course they will not be benefiting the communities they are in.

There is an old fairy tail about a frog and a scorpion. Once upon a time a scorpion needed to cross the water. He asked the frog if he would allow him to float across on his back and the frog asked him how can I trust you, what if you sting me? The scorpion reassured him he would drown if he stung his only support across the water so the deal was made. The Frog made it three quarters when the scorpion stung him and leaped to shore. The frog screamed in his last breath WHY?! The Scorpion replied it is what I do I am a scorpion. One of the reasons governments claim to never negotiate with terrorism is the nature of who we are negotiating with. What about governments who use fear tactics to erode civil rights and promise to return to those rights later on? How long can we trust they will do the right thing and not sting the population later on? One natural law of survival even in the most criminal of organizations is the agreement they make to survive and not counter each other out. How does the mafia exist within our society and yet not be taken down? Not just the mafia many organizations known Drug Lords have immunity and have never been prosecuted. Their protection has come at a price to the rest of society most of then it can be easily discovered they are very harmful to societies functions. Somewhere deals were struck to allow their existence and sometimes cooperation. When China was to be returned to the communist government many triads escaped to Canada helped by high officials in the RCMP.

One Drug Lord known as Ice Queen even got landed immigrant status and the police officers who were investigating this were shunned and fired. In the last twenty years the murder rates in the cities doubled and tripled showing a dangerous trend. It is very logical if these criminal elements proven to be harmful to society are allowed to function that there is something in the political realm that has welcomed them. Could there be a link to the RCMP that goes back to the confederate beginning? I will show you the answers I have come across later in this book. The natural law that has allowed the dangerous element to survive in our society is an agreement of survival. A fragile peace is formed out of the criminals and corrupt officials so that they do not cancel each other out. Both sides are well armed an very lethal if they chose to turn on each other. Just a short time ago all the biker clubs consolidated into one big bike club I am not into naming names just yet. This happened at a national level and this makes me wonder how could an organization swallow up all the independent bikers all over the country. I am told that somewhere in Newfoundland the head of the biker organization wines and dines the chief of police in that town. I heard this rumour from Byron Prior who was trying to make a point how corrupt the police are. I do not think any of us raised an eyebrow or thought much about the gangs all changing to one name. Most people can still walk around and not worry about the criminal element but that freedom is eroding fast. Some communities have fought back uniting their fellow citizens to combat the criminal elements. I think the super gang realizes if they stalked neighbourhoods they would expose the corrupt government element and force them to be replaced.

What would it take to unify all the communities and give a message to the corrupt politicians enough is enough. What would it take to wake up the citizens to the point they take action together and form the armies that could combat these people that have not represented us with the intentions of serving a democracy. I guess the first step would be to understand what is out there and the rules they behave by. Natural law is always a good first step because like I said no matter what game you play the natural laws always come into play to influence the out come. The alternative is taking a chance with an element of society that has a similar make up of a scorpion and can and will strike if it is advantageous. I have met people that have chosen to join this super gang of bikers and to look at him he is a plumber who loves Harley Davidson Motorcycles. His status in the community is quite functional and useful but there are other bikers who have chosen different paths. The other bikers will not tolerate anything that obstructs their path no matter what the cost to the integrity of society. In Edmonton they have fought over stripper clubs in the past blowing up the buildings to make their point. Drug dealers and thieves operate under their protection guaranteed no citizen will stand up against them as long as they serve the interest of the super gang. I remember long ago I heard about sex rings that blackmailed politicians and exposed them if they never followed along. We have accepted these people and we will protect them no matter what because certain members have proved to be functional ignoring the natural law that dictates the gang is poisonous to the future of societies integrity. There are many other scorpions we have accepted into our communities and no one dare root them out because the danger is not the super gang but the community itself that has seen small benefits to the individuals who have carried out a semi respectable lifestyle.

The Escape Goat an interesting term that has origins in small ancient villages. A long time ago ancient shamans would put all evil spirits into a goat and sacrifice the animal to correct the bad things that would happen. Of course science has explained the weather and you do not see many of the shamans in modern society. The weather is monitored and a good education allows farmers to prepare for droughts and mishaps no longer blamed on the spirits. The escape goat now in modern times represents a individual who is chosen to be the representative of the corruption sort of like the loan gunman in JFKs assassination. Society has easily accepted that one man has achieved such a horrific crime. We neglected to notice the lack of guards when he was shot and the fact the limo driver never accelerated after the first shot. Conspiracy theorist are shunned upon because they ask the questions that would demand a response from society a response they do not understand or comprehend. The natural law dictates that what ever happened to JFK has to stem from every community. There has to be a reason we accepted the official explanation which was clearly not the truth similar to the days of the shaman when goats were accused of the crimes that naturally occurred. Teenagers have to go out find a girlfriend date make a family settle town and build up the community. Parents have to look after children prepare dinners go to dinners and picnics and no one wants to think like a conspiracy theorist that one day all this freedom just might end. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated everyone was relieved to find out it was just this guy name Booth and he was just a crazy Wildman who just wanted to see what life would be like without the president. Nobody could imagine he might have been a confederate that has successfully taken out the one man who ended slavery of another society.

In Wako Texas a religious leader is confronted by the ATF and holds his ground a stand off occurs and many people held hostage. They set up a massive media event with fax machines and telephones and yet the local law enforcement is not in contact with them. The religious leader contacts the local sheriff wanting to surrender says he has attempted to talk to them only to be met at the door with a massive volley of bullets. Eventually the organization run out of ammo and seek negotiations to stall the occupants till flame tanks were introduced. The documentary I watched showed the tanks ripping open the building providing so many holes it was like a pot belly stove. They added volatile chemicals claiming they were to subdue the occupants of the compound. Video shows the fire was started by the government agencies and some children were ground up in the tracks of the tank. This kind of reminds me of the movie Wicker man starring Nikolas Cage at least the ending where everyone is burnt to a crisp. When you hear the name David Koresh you automatically assume that was the guy who created a cult and set his entire followers ablaze. No one can believe the horrific things that happened that day because they can not deal with the consequences of knowing the truth. We are accustomed to the notions that bad people exist outside our country and we are the country that provides the peaceful soldiers that make everything better. We wish only to keep playing the same game knowing things are not fair because it is the only game we know how to play. The escape goats are no longer believable yet some people hang on demanding we ignore the conspiracy theorists who have a few nagging questions. David Koresh was a message to people like himself and others that the corrupt politicians will not tolerate stashes of weapons which will only serve one purpose. A lot of groups have the desire to separate themselves from a falling society and hold up in some compound and study their faith.

David Koresh was used as a Scapegoat so the public never had to wonder what they should do if these people ever came after them for their beliefs. After all everyone has the freedom to choose a religion and follow it as long as it does no harm or disturb the function of society. David Koresh followers lived together away from neighbours and functioned in their community. In Texas you are allowed to collect guns and people respect each other due to the fact even old ladies are armed. The escape goat is another example of the natural laws that surround us that can not possibly be written down. We neglect to write these rules down because they will make absolutely no sense. The law would sound like this ignore the fact woman and children were burned alive and make the exception to excuse the government for their crimes. As long as they provide someone to take the blame showing respect to the rest of society. As you can see these rules can never be represented in a society that is falling out of existence.

I watched a movie called the matrix starring Keenu Reeves very violent but the plot was extraordinary. Keenus character has a boring job working with programs at night he sells illegal programs to anyone who wants to purchase them. In his spare time he searches on a computer looking for anything involving Morpheus and the matrix. He is approached by agents of Morpheus and recruited and told undeniable truths that blow away the universe he has lived in for years. Morpheus proves he is living in a computer program and the world around him is fake he is actually living in a tube hooked up to a machine. His body heat is collected and the machine survives in a apocalyptic world where humans no longer rule the earth. I guess the movie is popular because Neo, Keenu Reeves character is no different from us we go through realizations. Our parents break the news that there is a man in a red suit that offers gifts and when we are old enough we are told this is not true. Looking back most people realize it is impossible for anyone to crawl up and down the chimney. The natural law that governs such truths is the fact if you do not know anything about a subject it is impossible for you to relate to the unknown. There is no leap of faith if you are not given anything to deal with a new realization. Most of the time people do not tear apart there world looking for things that do not make sense. You tend to make up small rules that do exist to cover up the fact you actually know nothing about the situation that has been introduced to you. The rules do make sense and often you are left to accept the facts contradict themselves and that is ok because further thought would mean to actually find out things you are not exactly ready for. How hard would it of been to convince the citizens that the world was round and not flat. Now we look on as Nasa maps space and watch pictures of a very round sphere called planet earth.

The natural law is simple when we are approached with new Ideas we reject them if they do not fit into the puzzle pieces that surround us even though there is always new things to learn. We tend to ridicule anyone who has claimed to have seen UFOs because the idea of something out there unidentified shocks us even if it might be some new invention designed by our own government. A lot of new scientific theories have been opposed because the science is not taught in the schools. Years ago a man rode a bicycle through town and was accused of witchcraft and almost burned at the stake. We are taught to accept bikes and understand the dynamic principles that have allowed them to function. Most people think of the government as the establishment just like we thought of our parents as just people who provide things for us. It is not the fancy parliament building that runs our Country it is people who are elected to represent us are running things. Maybe you have noticed or maybe you did not but they are failing at their jobs and not representing the people as well as they should. There are so many emergency measures we can do to prepare for collapse of a huge infrastructure that supports us. We can start by introducing community banking systems that do not rob us blind when we cash our bimonthly pay check. The profits are given back to the community through dividend checks. In the last few years the banks have now refused to make simple phone calls to verify identities leaving most people who do not have a big surplus in their accounts to deal with check cashing places that ask too much for their services. The individuals who run the banks have lost all interest in rejuvenating the communities till one day they just collapse and cease to function. The business opportunities are out their when we realize how messed up things are we can fix them allowing communities to be competitive once again.

The only way we can start on the road to recovery is realize we have lost the integrity of society an we do not have the infrastructure to sustain everyone when the grocery pipeline bursts. Just imagine your reaching for a beer or a housewife reaching for baby formula and the power fails and the radio is telling you it is not going to be restored for some time. It would be quite foolish if the next day they murdered or assassinated Stanley Meyers who learned how to make engines run on water. You would probably think there is something wrong out there and get together with friends and neighbours from your community. Stanley Meyers was killed for the same reason Ghandi was assassinated their ideas brought too much freedom and control back to the individual. There are groups of people under a multitude of names and organizations that I believe have functioned as a secret society within our own society for over six thousand plus years. This book will also discuss their version of Order out of Chaos A Problem reaction solution method they use to maintain a vice like grip on the communities to serve their own interests.

I guess everyone knows George Lukas, he created the Star wars trilogy that shocked the world with his ideas. There was an earlier movie not as quick paced and very hard to watch and not often is it mentioned when people speak of George Lukas. THX-1138 starring Robert Duvall is a movie that deals with a society so controlling that they use drugs to subdue the individual so that they can function in an awkward society. Robert Duval plays a character working in a futuristic robot building plant, his work requires him to concentrate and the drugs suppress his emotions and the desire for family and friends. The Robots he is building provide automated law enforcement that keeps everyone under the control. His room mate slips him placebos and he starts to panic and become frustrated and no longer fits in. The movie is more of a teaching tool than it was entertainment. Certain elements in Hollywood banned George Lukas and refused to help him make the next movie. That is why his company provides services to all the other studios he built his success alone from the ground up. What scared the big Hollywood moguls into banning George Lukas and his future films. George Lukas figured out a way to reveal to society some the truths that were suppressed in Hollywood which is a big propaganda arm of a very elite crowd.

In real life communities when you go to college you are offered harmless fraternities that can sometimes go overboard and actually torture initiates. Not just universities these fraternities exist in the ranks of the RCMP and community services. The army has the same exact fraternities that span all the way to our spy agencies that recruit from Elite schools and fraternities. The shocking truth is that these harmless fraternities are recruiting people into a secret society that exists within our own backyard communities. Quite often mass media Moguls belong to these secret societies and provide the selective news stories that cover up the actions and damage these societies do to the communities. We all remember the magic Bullet theory that was sold to the public when JFK was assassinated. Our society feeds the hidden society and all this can abruptly stop if we all learn the truth. Sometimes by similar accident that happened to Robert Duvals character. I watched a cartoon called Finding Nemo where a young orange fish is initiated into this fraternity so he can perform the dangerous task of plugging up the tank filter. The dangerous secret societies sell themselves as a necessity because they have taken away from the communities the self reliant abilities on purpose. The secret societies survive because they are self contained and will prevail up to the point the host society dies. Thx-1138 is a very scary view of a non existent host society and there are rumours how bad things can get. Ancient druids celebrated Halloween by knocking on doors and asking the occupants to sacrifice a family member. If the occupants refused they did not get the candle that burned human fat to tell others they already made the sacrifice. Very little educational material came out of the dark ages due to the fact the society lacked the moral structure. Similar to the frightening cartoons you allow your children to watch provided by the secret societies. Not a very big stretch now to understand why the pyramids represent the money in the United States.

Obama the United States president comes from a secret society that has roots right in your backyard. He is Prince Hall Freemason a black version of the same fraternity or lodge that represents the RCMP. The same secret society known as freemasonry owns most of the media including the phone service in Canada. You guessed it they also own Wal-mart the store that is doing business with communism and is so cheap no local business can sustain the same prices. Freemasonry is the fraternity of choice that influenced the many Chinese to make their own freemasonry called triads. In Japan they are called Yakuuza in Italy they are called Mafia. The Propaganda 2 lodge would explain more of the seedy connections I am talking about. These lodges farm for recruits nowadays mostly drug addicts looking for protection join the ranks making the RCMP recruits more and more corrupt. You will probably find it shocking that the increasing criminal problems that are plaguing the communities stem from organizations created from freemasonry. Hells Angels the super bike gang that devoured all the other gangs was created from the 303rd bombers group freemason fraternity. Now that is a hot topic but you might want to be careful who you converse with because your plumber or friend of a friend might just belong to the club. Do you remember the natives that were picked up by RCMP and dropped off in the freezing cold left to freeze to death. I have a sneaking suspicion these were freemasons the same people who founded the KKK. THX-1138 is not a far off dream for the secret societies and the natural laws that have been created to hold them in place. I do wonder why we send children out to strangers for candy could it be that the ancient druids actually created Halloween? If I do succeed in saving the community will we continue the old ways once we have rooted out the corruption.


posts: 2

Jun 07, 2009 21:04 Points: 0 Vote Return of the tower of Babel

A thesis on the confounding of the Canadian language

While we wonder who we are going to marry or how good we look we have overlooked some important issues that do affect us eventually. In the efforts to raise your family and find work you assumed there is enough people to look after your democratic rights. We have neglected to look at the fine print of the reality we have accepted or the fact this ignorance was passed on by trustworthy parents. While people were watching their heroes play football or parade there wares on TV there are men and woman sacrificing themselves just to get a message to you. This message cost them the serenity and calm to get a job or raise a family so they are considered failures. The real failure is that you are the tools for change that is desperately needed and you like your place and feel you earned it. The problem is we need proof to react and one persons message is not enough to call for the changes necessary to regain our freedom and rights. The truth is there is an ancient battle raging around you the length of time this battle has been going on is unknown maybe six thousand years or more. The problem of proving such a battle is going on is hindered by the constant name changes through history. The devastation can be documented and are evident all through history. The most modern name is the Roman Empire and the most ancient would be the Babylon system. Many will argue that the numbers 666 came from the roman numeral system is it a coincidence or do you need more proof. Have you ever heard of the date Friday the thirteenth, thirteen hundred seven this was a special day for the Knights Templar who were wiped out that day by a King that probably decided they had too much power. The knights Templar were exposed to a public that did not share in the belief that we should be slaves to tyranny. In modern times you watch horrific horror movies that day and watch your step because that day is bad .right?

The Freemason were created to take the power away from the King and what better way than to corrupt his Castle builders. Yes the freemason were once stone masons skilled labour and a necessary part of building a defensive Kingdom. Without a castle or fort in those days you could find yourself a King without a castle. The tyranny wants you to believe that when you conquer leadership the enemy country will fall. This is a true if the people are oblivious to the truth and if you look closely at JFKs speech about secret societies available on you tube or Google video. When JFK was assassinated the people simply replaced him and continued on with occult leadership making it easier for them to subvert the real danger to them and that person is you! The freemason are no longer stonemasons instead they sit in every community with a tight control on you. I think I have given you enough of a chess lesson that you might understand the Canadian History of this secret order and so I begin this history lesson.

This lesson starts With CH Douglas who started the social credit idea which is very powerful system because it is true democracy. Too make it easier understood you are born in debt in the present system think of it as playing monopoly and the bank owns you right from the start. So the winner is whoever decides to be banker and that game would probably get thrown out by mom and dad to avoid further arguments. Ch Douglas says we should all have credit kind of a minimal percentage created by the community. You already receive child tax benefits,G.S.T and if you fall down guess what the Babylon system is there to pick you up. In our present system the Catholic church provides missions for people who have fallen. The Salvation army was created by freemason and they provide soup kitchens in the present system. Ch Douglas uses cooperatives that are in work in Alberta to this day in the Utilities and one prime example is the United Farmers association. The system allows you to be born with credit much the same as a fair monopoly game. Your whole life regardless of how much money you make you are given a percentage from your community. The Alberta Wheat board is just one prime example of communism and not true democracy it should be a cooperative giving the community a share of the proceeds instead of the government paying some guy in Quebec 20,000 dollars to kick some can down the street use should really look up "adscam" and find out what the liberals did with your money and lined their "communist" pockets. Think of it as a poorly runned system would pay less to the people and they would move to a better area losing valuable resources until they wise up and fix whats wrong. Even though the Alberta system has been corrupted the province stands stronger because the legacy of our grandfathers has not been removed from us entirely.

This story starts with a young kid named Robert Thomson who was introduced to CH Douglas Idea of social credit. He becomes the leader of a powerful party very popular due to the fact the system allows freedom and possibly pays the farmers a better fee for their work. Alberta becomes a stronghold because of the well oiled cooperatives and a heritage fund is created with the surplus. In the east a powerful Jet aircraft is invented called the Avro Arrow and this might of crushed the tyrannical powers of the day. So in come the freemason to save the corrupt bankers from not only financial freedom but the weaponry to maintain it. John Diefenbaker convinced the citizens he was the right man for the job and he gave our fighter craft with the scientist to the U.S.A later he sells us out further by buying up the U.S used fighter aircraft. John Diefenbaker (look up famous freemason ) is defeated by the Social Credit party which has now gained power in Quebec.

A French Catholic Politician rises up from Quebec named Réal Caouette tries to take control of Robert Thomsons creation. If he succeeded the well informed Albertans would of dumped the party in a heart beat well educated in the Catholic Churches Roman History . The tyrannical elite sealed the fate of Canadians by creating a bilingual language bill that separates the once cooperative colonies put forth by the Catholic Francophone Real Caoutte. William Aberhart carries again the torch of freedom only to be assassinated in a meeting with the elite banking cartels. William Aberhart manages to create the Alberta treasury Branch which funded the Worlds largest mall in West Edmonton Alberta. Ernest Manning carried the torch after Aberharts assassination and became a well liked politician. Preston Manning continues on in his fathers foot steps with the Reform Party and on the French side FLQ carries the torch for freedom. The Tyrannical government sends Steven Harper to the reform party as their secret agent Grant Bristow becomes Preston Mannings Body guard. Grant Bristow Builds up an Aryan nations called of all things the Heritage front and funnels its members into the reform Party. The two parties in equal opposition are refused seats on what is called CIRC. CIRC is the government watch dog that watches CSIS our Canadian spy agency who hired Grant Bristow. They target Preston Manning and accuse him of receiving funding from subversive movements (which entirely belong to the Elitist Cartels). In Val Merediths minority report available on the internet in the parliamentary archives she states that CSIS did not have cooperation of their south African consulate operatives too make such a claim Which would mean of course everything was a set up. But the people believed the Catholic or freemason corporate controlled media and again the Babylon system regained control. Lately I tried to make contact with the Social Credit party only to find a Catholic in charge and not very willing to discuss the rich history of such a great party. Then 911 and the people buy into the official story ignoring the fact the building owner admitted to building seven being demolished on the same day. Many planes have hit the towers and no reaction until the buildings totally vanish, do we react not really we trust the call to disarm responsible Canadian Citizens. The Killings in the schools are caused by a cult created by freemasonry (subgenius) available in schools near you they are the gothic cults the kids wearing skulls and bones representing a new generation of secret societies. I researched the Canadian schools and found Vampire freaks are connected to the church of the subgenius they were responsibl...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Brainwashing and creating Cyberstalkers!

How do you get someone to hate 911 truthers to the point they will stalk people?

/retry New World Order discussion.
I tried to get into the last thread about this concept, but it seemed to be a cluster-fuck. I do not know much about the New World Order theories,

Dean Roger Ray:really you do not know much!

mostly because everyone who believes in it seems to have a differing opinion from each other.

DeanRoger Ray: The league of reason values opinion more than truth?

So, I would like to hear some discussion on what exactly is connected with the idea of a New World Order and who could agree with what concepts.

Dean Roger Ray: discussion is good !

From as far as I can gather, part of it includes the 9-11 conspiracy theory.

Dean Roger Ray: hold on you brag to be scientists which conspiracy theory???

Now, disbelief in such a conspiracy is purely skepticism, or I have yet to see any evidence against it.

Dean roger ray: what??!!! which conspiracy theory who wrote it where is it!

I do not believe in this personally,

Dean Roger Ray : I aggree you never mentioned who what where when why your basically relying on the word conspiracy to represent all theories!

yet I wish it were true in the sense that it would make George Bush and those associated with him all the more interesting historically.

Dean Roger RAy: More interesting historically you sound like the movie "fight club" where people just want to see hatred and violence. Where is the science this is an emotion and not a good one!

Also, FEMA camps has to do with it; however, I still do not know a shit about them.

Dean Roger Ray: please explain ...oops oh yeah it is a conspiracy theory and you mentioned that earlier! What about the fema camps I am interested!

Others I have heard of but know even less about are the Amero (Currency?), the universal I.D., NAFTA (Don't know how this ties in), and maybe a couple of others.

Dean Roger Ray: What is going on there? oh yeah it is another conspiracy like you mentioned before?

Anyway, I think it will provide some interesting conversation lest it goes off topic like it seemed the last thread did. Again, if you know what other ideas are connected with the NWO, present them. If you like or dislike any of the ideas, explain why.

Dean Roger Ray: is the last thread here? did you delete it.why? this information is not very knowledgeable!

Mon May 11, 2009 6:11 am

Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:12 pm
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
While I do not think they were directly behind it, we do know (now) that Cheney and other did want some kind of event like 9/11 to occur so that they could basically fight whatever wars they wanted without worrying about it.

Dean Roger Ray : simplified 911 inside job perhaps?

However this isn't NWO.

Dean Roger RAy: really

NWO at its original state was the UN taking over the world.

Dean Roger RAy:

Which is a joke as the UN would have to put it to several subcomitties and at least one of the security council would veto it.

Dean Roger Ray : How did the oil for food scandle get through all those committies?

Tue May 12, 2009 4:14 am


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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:20 pm
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
New World Order conspiracy theories are a dynamic and varied cancer on our society. What any given NWO conspiracy theorist believes in is largely irrelevant because it will fluctuate from person-to-person as times change and events unfold. They draw upon any given instance of government secrecy and/or complexity, and correlate that with other (oftentimes) unrelated instances. For instance: a NWO conspiracy theorist can, through a marvelous display of mental gymnastics, correlate the Swine Flu epidemic with rumors of FEMA concentration camps.

The theories themselves are just as varied as the nuts who cook them up. What is more important is what they share in common. NWO conspiracies represent a way of looking at the world; an incredibly paranoid, yet remarkably lazy way of understanding how things work. The actual structure of civilization is an incredibly complex thing, and understanding it requires knowledge of the vast and dynamic governmental, social, and economic institutions that we are all a part of. Actually educating one's self about how the many branches of government work, as well as its subsidiary organizations, and the financial institutions, and social outlets like mass media, and so on and so fourth, requires a lot of time, mental exertion, and intellectual stamina.

Some people who just simply do not have the will or the capacity to learn about these things rationalize the world in a different way. Rather than the world being run by a complex network of governments, banks, businesses, firms, and people like you and me, they conclude that it is being run by a Shadow Government, or a New World Order. Everything else that they were too lazy or stupid to learn about are just puppets thrown up on a stage to distract us, while unseen forces manipulate their pawns from behind the curtain. None of that hard-to-understand stuff is real to them, it's all just part of one big simplified conspiracy.
Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:01 am


Posts: 95
Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:32 am
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
Of all places that I first heard some of these things it was high school, a few kids having been hung up on this until the Da Vinci Code came along. I can still remember some of the things that caught my attention and made me skeptical of the world until a few moments later, when logic kicked in. As convoluted as all these things seem I'm rather surprised everyone tries to unite each other under a personal banner of what is and what isn't. It doesn't matter if these theories are true or false, they just seem to rely on each other more then anything.

I'll be frank, though. I do doubt some things concerning the government, but only in a very shallow sense. Living at the nations capital I've yet to see any hush hush goings on that could lead to giangantic scandals other then Bush feigning being a dimwit and our Metro system seeming to be as safe as riding on a Boeing 737. Things that piss me off are like "Teh stonemasons were secretive so they're all evil and runnin' shit'" as well as "X looks like X so X is X" because it's causes so many problems. One of which being people come by graveyards and sites that wouldn't be worth a damn if not for some mention involving one of these conspiracies, and property values skyrocket to impossiblity, happening everywhere every so often it's like playing the stock market.

Then there's being branded "brainwashed by x" because you live here, despite being otherwise off the radar thanks to (let's say) lots of political in-fighting and high crime rates that not even the Patriot Act can incur wrath upon. It's an ad hominem attack that hits hard because, as it's said before, sometimes conspiracy theorists are too lazy to come to well thought out conclusions. It not only further shrouds relativity behind false mystery but it causes in-fighting with like minded people. And in all this unrest more crime and shady dealings crop up thanks to "the populace's mind's have been tainted' or "their in on it."

It's a clusterfuck.
Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:21 pm


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Location: California
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
Kni7es wrote:
New World Order conspiracy theories are a dynamic and varied cancer on our society. What any given NWO conspiracy theorist believes in is largely irrelevant because it will fluctuate from person-to-person as times change and events unfold. They draw upon any given instance of government secrecy and/or complexity, and correlate that with other (oftentimes) unrelated instances. For instance: a NWO conspiracy theorist can, through a marvelous display of mental gymnastics, correlate the Swine Flu epidemic with rumors of FEMA concentration camps.

The theories themselves are just as varied as the nuts who cook them up. What is more important is what they share in common. NWO conspiracies represent a way of looking at the world; an incredibly paranoid, yet remarkably lazy way of understanding how things work. The actual structure of civilization is an incredibly complex thing, and understanding it requires knowledge of the vast and dynamic governmental, social, and economic institutions that we are all a part of. Actually educating one's self about how the many branches of government work, as well as its subsidiary organizations, and the financial institutions, and social outlets like mass media, and so on and so fourth, requires a lot of time, mental exertion, and intellectual stamina.

Some people who just simply do not have the will or the capacity to learn about these things rationalize the world in a different way. Rather than the world being run by a complex network of governments, banks, businesses, firms, and people like you and me, they conclude that it is being run by a Shadow Government, or a New World Order. Everything else that they were too lazy or stupid to learn about are just puppets thrown up on a stage to distract us, while unseen forces manipulate their pawns from behind the curtain. None of that hard-to-understand stuff is real to them, it's all just part of one big simplified conspiracy.

What he said.

Paranoia + Apophenia - Intelligence = NWO Conspiracy Theory
Artist for Red Oasis
Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:01 am


Posts: 283
Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:40 pm
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
Benjamin Franklin summed up my feelings on virtually every conspiracy theory

"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

"One God to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
Tolkien was SO close.
Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:38 am


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Location: Bible Belt (Hell), USA
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
It's all the doing of the evul Bilderberg Group!!!1111

I have no respect for a family of freemasons look at the respect they had for the guy hanging off the 911 towers!

you probably laughed when they fell!

/retry New World Order discussion.
I tried to get into the last thread about this concept, but it seemed to be a cluster-fuck. I do not know much about the New World Order theories,

Dean Roger Ray:really you do not know much!

mostly because everyone who believes in it seems to have a differing opinion from each other.

DeanRoger Ray: The league of reason values opinion more than truth?

So, I would like to hear some discussion on what exactly is connected with the idea of a New World Order and who could agree with what concepts.

Dean Roger Ray: discussion is good !

From as far as I can gather, part of it includes the 9-11 conspiracy theory.

Dean Roger Ray: hold on you brag to be scientists which conspiracy theory???

Now, disbelief in such a conspiracy is purely skepticism, or I have yet to see any evidence against it.

Dean roger ray: what??!!! which conspiracy theory who wrote it where is it!

I do not believe in this personally,

Dean Roger Ray : I aggree you never mentioned who what where when why your basically relying on the word conspiracy to represent all theories!

yet I wish it were true in the sense that it would make George Bush and those associated with him all the more interesting historically.

Dean Roger RAy: More interesting historically you sound like the movie "fight club" where people just want to see hatred and violence. Where is the science this is an emotion and not a good one!

Also, FEMA camps has to do with it; however, I still do not know a shit about them.

Dean Roger Ray: please explain ...oops oh yeah it is a conspiracy theory and you mentioned that earlier! What about the fema camps I am interested!

Others I have heard of but know even less about are the Amero (Currency?), the universal I.D., NAFTA (Don't know how this ties in), and maybe a couple of others.

Dean Roger Ray: What is going on there? oh yeah it is another conspiracy like you mentioned before?

Anyway, I think it will provide some interesting conversation lest it goes off topic like it seemed the last thread did. Again, if you know what other ideas are connected with the NWO, present them. If you like or dislike any of the ideas, explain why.

Dean Roger Ray: is the last thread here? did you delete it.why? this information is not very knowledgeable!

Mon May 11, 2009 6:11 am

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Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
While I do not think they were directly behind it, we do know (now) that Cheney and other did want some kind of event like 9/11 to occur so that they could basically fight whatever wars they wanted without worrying about it.

Dean Roger Ray : simplified 911 inside job perhaps?

However this isn't NWO.

Dean Roger RAy: really

NWO at its original state was the UN taking over the world.

Dean Roger RAy:

Which is a joke as the UN would have to put it to several subcomitties and at least one of the security council would veto it.

Dean Roger Ray : How did the oil for food scandle get through all those committies?

Tue May 12, 2009 4:14 am


Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:20 pm
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
New World Order conspiracy theories are a dynamic and varied cancer on our society.

Dean Roger RAy: What conspiricies who said it why where when who why? is this the reason you are mad about conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theory is just a label you put on certain events how could the label be cancerous? Are you saying the people of society with opinions and investigative ability are a cancer?

What any given NWO conspiracy theorist believes in is largely irrelevant because it will fluctuate from person-to-person as times change and events unfold.

Dean Roger Ray: Which is the Nwo you talk about History or your label Conspiracy?

They draw upon any given instance of government secrecy and/or complexity, and correlate that with other (oftentimes) unrelated instances. For instance: a NWO conspiracy theorist can, through a marvelous display of mental gymnastics, correlate the Swine Flu epidemic with rumors of FEMA concentration camps.

Dean Roger Ray: so what if he or she is right! People could check on their government make sure it does not have a bunch of crazy fanatics in charge!

The theories themselves are just as varied as the nuts who cook them up.

Dean Roger Ray: for people who do not know so much about the actual theories you sure know how to label the authors of "conspiracy theories"

What is more important is what they share in common. NWO conspiracies represent a way of looking at the world; an incredibly paranoid, yet remarkably lazy way of understanding how things work.

Dean Roger RAy: This silly rant has become important! This is the science behind the league of reason?

The actual structure of civilization is an incredibly complex thing, and understanding it requires knowledge of the vast and dynamic governmental, social, and economic institutions that we are all a part of. Actually educating one's self about how the many branches of government work, as well as its subsidiary organizations, and the financial institutions, and social outlets like mass media, and so on and so fourth, requires a lot of time, mental exertion, and intellectual stamina.

Dean Roger Ray: You have covered all this in the league of reason? where?

Some people who just simply do not have the will or the capacity to learn about these things rationalize the world in a different way. Rather than the world being run by a complex network of governments, banks, businesses, firms, and people like you and me, they conclude that it is being run by a Shadow Government, or a New World Order. Everything else that they were too lazy or stupid to learn about are just puppets thrown up on a stage to distract us, while unseen forces manipulate their pawns from behind the curtain. None of that hard-to-understand stuff is real to them, it's all just part of one big simplified conspiracy.
Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:01 am

Dean Roger ray:


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Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:32 am
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
Of all places that I first heard some of these things it was high school, a few kids having been hung up on this until the Da Vinci Code came along. I can still remember some of the things that caught my attention and made me skeptical of the world until a few moments later, when logic kicked in. As convoluted as all these things seem I'm rather surprised everyone tries to unite each other under a personal banner of what is and what isn't. It doesn't matter if these theories are true or false, they just seem to rely on each other more then anything.

Dean Roger Ray: Why is there freemason in every country every town every lodge.

I'll be frank, though. I do doubt some things concerning the government, but only in a very shallow sense. Living at the nations capital I've yet to see any hush hush goings on that could lead to giangantic scandals other then Bush feigning being a dimwit and our Metro system seeming to be as safe as riding on a Boeing 737. Things that piss me off are like "Teh stonemasons were secretive so they're all evil and runnin' shit'" as well as "X looks like X so X is X" because it's causes so many problems.

Dean Roger Ray :

One of which being people come by graveyards and sites that wouldn't be worth a damn if not for some mention involving one of these conspiracies, and property values skyrocket to impossiblity, happening everywhere every so often it's like playing the stock market.

DeanRoger Ray : hmmm lost ya there?????

Then there's being branded "brainwashed by x" because you live here, despite being otherwise off the radar thanks to (let's say) lots of political in-fighting and high crime rates that not even the Patriot Act can incur wrath upon. It's an ad hominem attack that hits hard because, as it's said before, sometimes conspiracy theorists are too lazy to come to well thought out conclusions. It not only further shrouds relativity behind false mystery but it causes in-fighting with like minded people. And in all this unrest more crime and shady dealings crop up thanks to "the populace's mind's have been tainted' or "their in on it."

Dean Roger Ray: that is what the constitution is for to protect people rights....Protect people from dumb idiots like you!

It's a clusterfuck.
Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:21 pm


Dean Roger Ray : I do aggree your whole site is on big cluster screw

Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:13 am
Location: California
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
Kni7es wrote:
New World Order conspiracy theories are a dynamic and varied cancer on our society. What any given NWO conspiracy theorist believes in is largely irrelevant because it will fluctuate from person-to-person as times change and events unfold. They draw upon any given instance of government secrecy and/or complexity, and correlate that with other (oftentimes) unrelated instances. For instance: a NWO conspiracy theorist can, through a marvelous display of mental gymnastics, correlate the Swine Flu epidemic with rumors of FEMA concentration camps.

Dean Roger Ray: I suppose it was a conspiracy when antoinette said "let them eat cake" You show no love of people yet you claim to be the league of reason!

The theories themselves are just as varied as the nuts who cook them up.

Dean Roger Ray: So your theory on conspiracy theory does not make you a nut!

What is more important is what they share in common. NWO conspiracies represent a way of looking at the world; an incredibly paranoid, yet remarkably lazy way of understanding how things work. The actual structure of civilization is an incredibly complex thing, and understanding it requires knowledge of the vast and dynamic governmental, social, and economic institutions that we are all a part of. Actually educating one's self about how the many branches of government work, as well as its subsidiary organizations, and the financial institutions, and social outlets like mass media, and so on and so fourth, requires a lot of time, mental exertion, and intellectual stamina.

Some people who just simply do not have the will or the capacity to learn about these things rationalize the world in a different way. Rather than the world being run by a complex network of governments, banks, businesses, firms, and people like you and me, they conclude that it is being run by a Shadow Government, or a New World Order. Everything else that they were too lazy or stupid to learn about are just puppets thrown up on a stage to distract us, while unseen forces manipulate their pawns from behind the curtain. None of that hard-to-understand stuff is real to them, it's all just part of one big simplified conspiracy.

Dean Roger Ray: when rational people like yourselves come up with these theories how do we label your theories? How do you escape the label nutters when you talk of your theories?

What he said.

Paranoia + Apophenia - Intelligence = NWO Conspiracy Theory
Artist for Red Oasis
Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:01 am


Posts: 283
Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:40 pm
Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
Benjamin Franklin summed up my feelings on virtually every conspiracy theory

"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

Dean Roger Ray: I aggree secrets must be kept kill all these people and you are safe! And the world will be a much safer place without these weirdos hey wait a minute this guy sound slike platoon commander!

"One God to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
Tolkien was SO close.
Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:38 am


Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:23 am
Location: Bible Belt (Hell), USA

Re: /retry New World Order discussion.
It's all the doing of the evul Bilderberg Group!!!1111

Dean Roger RAy : bilderburgs the top freemasons? I aggree!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Marion Knox

Marion Knox is a farmer, Gospel singer, and counselor from Lebanon,
Oregon. For several years, he has been helping set people free from the
affects of ritual abuse and mind control. Although some may think of
his methodology as unorthodox, it appears to be effective in
eliminating highly-structured dissociation in many of the people he's
worked with. While tediously assisting and supporting these survivors,
Marion has uncovered startling information concerning the
inner-workings of the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, and a possible
end-times scenario. His conclusions are not only based upon what his
clients are uniformly conveying, but also through Biblical and
historical research. Mr. Knox would like to emphasize that some of his
opinions are speculation or conjecture and need to be objectively
verified and validated by independent sources.

Ron Patton: How did you get into counseling survivors of SRA (Satanic
Ritual Abuse) and mind control?

Marion Knox: To begin with, my first experience with anything dealing
with the occult was through a friend of mine who thought his house was
haunted. So I volunteered. While trying to figure out what was going
on, a woman living in the house felt she was possessed. We went through
a deliverance session with her and she eventually became a Christian.
After that, I worked with people who had common sexual abuse. It wasn't
until several years later, in 1993, I started counselling on a regular
basis those who were ritually abused. So as far as the Satanic stuff
goes, I first worked with three women who had multiple personalities,
put in several hundred hours with each of these victims and as a
result, began to understand the belief system and motives of the

RP: So what did you basically learn about the perpetrators belief
system and motives?

MK: Since I already had a pretty good understanding of the Bible, it
gave me part of the picture. But what I learned from other sources and
what the survivors were telling me help put it together more clearly.
Basically, Satan's system is built on the mirror image principle to
copy the kingdom of God. The perpetrator's goal is to gain power. They
believe that the devil has the most power, and the most powerful
component in the rituals is the blood sacrifices in blasphemy of
Christ's atonement. Another very important component is the act of
sodomy which is the opposite of the "new birth" we have in Christ. The
ritual abuse system is normally built around a three year old child,
because this usually is the optimal time to create dissociation or MPD.
This system is actually a mirror image or reflection of what appears to
be a shattering of the core personality. To illustrate it better, let's
say you stand between two mirrors and look down the corridor. You can
then see yourself in multiple representations to infinity.

RP: Can you elaborate further on how the ritual abuse system is formed
and how it works?

MK: Well, as I began to work with more survivors, I gathered more
details and was able to kind of form a victim's profile. So as I
mentioned before, they take a child at approximately three years of age
and make the child fast for several days, force the child to witness
human sacrifices, and to participate in a cannibalistic communion
service. In some instances, they physically abuse the child and then
place he or she in a cage or coffin to further the trauma. The child is
sometimes drowned in a baptismal ceremony and brought back to life. In
the process of all this blasphemy, the child's mind is reversed or
shattered into multiplicity. The act of sodomy is also performed to
open up the victim's "third eye" which is suppose to enhance psychic
ability. During this vial act, a demonic system called, "Legion" is
installed. In the King James Bible, Legion is refered to as an,
"unclean spirit". This is systematically done to have complete control
over the child, like creating a programmed robot.

RP: How is your therapeutic approach different then others in the area
of "deprogramming"?

MK: Well, the key to being healed is the blood atonement of the Lord
Jesus Christ. I know alot of survivors and therapists have a hard time
with this because they might have a distorted view of Christianity, but
what we are dealing with is in the spiritual realm; it's a spiritual
battle between Satan, who wants to steal, kill and destroy as many
lives as he possibly can, and, The Lord Jesus Christ, who wants to save
and bring healing to the afflicted. I may not have all the details
figured out, but I have seen many survivors come to freedom.
You see, the integration route can produce containment, whereas I get
to the core of the problem and knock-out the whole MPD system by
exposing the lies and secrets with truth and casting the high demons
out into the pit. Before I get into the actual deliverance, I listen to
their story, take note of their symptoms, and ask a lot of questions.
Once it's accurately determined they are ritual abuse victims, I start
to investigate deeper by testing the subconscious mind; by the way, I
do it without the use of hypnosis.
Once I locate the highest demon, called the "Strongman", I attempt to
cast it out along with Legion.. In conjunction with the deliverance, we
will sometimes have a Christian communion service but we try not follow
a ritualistic pattern too much. After the deliverance, there needs to
be intensified Christian support that should include, prayer,
friendship, understanding, teaching, counsel, and accountability. The
person needs to do whatever it takes to stay away from any
relationships and associations that gets in the way of the healing
process. I guess it seems too simple for some therapists to understand
or comprehend because I have people come to me who have been through
conventional psychiatric therapy for years yet I am able to get many of
them free, anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days...
Let me give you an example of what occurred with one of the first
survivors I was able to help. She was a twin who grew up in Great
Falls, Montana and was programmed by Josef Mengele, who she remembered
as "Dr. Mingles". Anyway, the unique feature about her, that I never
heard about from anyone else until then, was her mind was programmed
that someday her MPD would be reversed so she could be used as a ruler
over many covens within the Illuminati. So, while working with her I
discovered that one of her personalities was programmed that if we
would give her a normal Christian communion service, her MPD would be
reversed. We discussed it some and got approval from her husband to go
along with it. At the end of the service, she fell over backwards and
was unconscious. About 10 minutes later she woke up and knew she was no
longer multiple. This was several years ago and it never did come back
[the MPD]. Eventually, I developed more efficient ways of dealing with
this thing and understanding the larger scope of what all is involved.

RP: I noticed you mentioned this woman was to be groomed at a
high-level within the Illuminati. What's your perspective or insight
into this nefarious organization?

MK: The Illuminati is a Luciferian religion that is counterfeit to the
church of Jesus Christ [not the Mormon one]. Illuminati means, "Light
Bearers" or "Enlightened Ones". The Illuminati belief system says that
freedom is only obtained through the entrance of true or pure light
(sodomy) and life (sacrifice) is only obtained through death. They tell
their people that nothing can ever penetrate that power because the
[unholy] trinity of Cain, Nimrod, and Joseph seals it in. The core
religion of their belief system comes from the Cabala, a book
containing mysticism, and written by a sect of the Pharisees who went
into Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem. As a matter of fact,
the holy language of the Illuminati is Hebrew... As history records,
the official birth of the Illuminati was in 1776 and started by a
trained Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt and financed by the House of
Rothschild. The idea was to get together 13 powerful families or
bloodlines; with the Rothschilds being the most influential, to rule
the world.

RP: Can you be more specific as to the role the Rothschilds play into
all of this?

MK: Well, most people who are into conspiracy know the Rothschilds are
the most powerful family in the world. But you really don't hear about
the details relating to how they have set themselves up to be "King of
the Jews", and to usher in the Anti-Christ. It was the Rothschilds who
financially backed the nation of Israel so they could eventually set up
the throne for the Anti-Christ in Jerusalem. And yet during WWII, their
money and resources were used to kill millions of Jews, but these were
seen as the expendable Jews from the House of Jacob. Remember, these
guys have the audacity to use the Bible as a blueprint to take over the
Let me give you some background information. On one level, the
Rothschilds secretly call themselves the House of David from the tribe
of Judah. Now, Rothschild translated from German to English means, "red
shield". During Biblical times, the Edomite's fortress was the red
rocks of Petra. Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, was described as, "
red and hairy". So this information fits perfectly with what survivors
have been telling me. That on a deeper level, the Rothschilds are also
claiming to be descendants of Esau and thus, are really from the House
or tribe of Esau. What they are trying to do, is to get the birthright
back from the House of Jacob, who are the real Jews. However, the book
of Obadiah talks about the destruction of the Edomites in the last
days. So this leads us to another interesting point. In Revelation 3:9
it says, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say
they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to
come and worship before thy feet..." Then I ask the question, "Who is
the synagogue of Satan?" The only logical conclusion I can come up with
is the Illuminati Rothschilds...
OK, now lets look at some other things. Mayer Amschel Rothschild had 5
sons and in order to keep the wealth in the family, there was a lot of
inbreeding, like what the European royal families did. One of their
hobbies was horse racing and they were known to be horse breeders as
well. I think this may have given them additional insight into
purifying their bloodline. Normally you would think that random
inbreeding would bring degeneration to the genetic pool, but they had
the mindset to eliminate the weak ones [offspring] and save the ones
who were strong and healthy. So this is part of their master plan: to
improve the genetics in order to have a superior bloodline.

RP: It seems identical to what the Nazis were doing in an attempt to
create the Aryan race.

MK: Yes, but that was a smokescreen because you had Nazis like Hitler
and Mengele who did not have Aryan features. The way I see it is that
the Nazi's master race concept was a controlled experiment and the
knowledge was used for the real master race, which is alive and well
today... Adolph Hitler was more of a puppet for propaganda purposes,
whereas , I believe Josef Mengele was one of the "chosen ones" [a
Rothschild] to bring forth the Anti-Christ.

RP: What makes you think Josef Mengele was a Rothschild?

MK: To me, it's the only thing that makes sense. First of all, let's go
back to the start of the Illuminati. The three men who collaborated and
were able to put it together were Jacob Frank, Mayer Amschel Rothschild
and Josef Johan Adam Weishaupt --that is Weishaupt's complete name,
which begins with Josef. Now the Joseph in the Bible was the favorite
son of Jacob and the savior of the 12 tribes while in Egypt. The
survivors who were experimented on and programmed by Mengele, would
refer to him by different names. Two of those names were David and
Alexander, which happen to be the first names of the last two
generations of Rothschilds. You have to remember that their genealogy
and the names they choose for the "chosen ones" are very significant to
them. Also, the name Joseph in the Illuminati is considered, "the name
above all names". When Rothschild survivors are being sodomized, the
name Joseph is chanted and inbedded into their subconscious. They
inately know that Josef Mengele is a Rothschild... Another point to
consider is that within their belief system, the three men that are
immortal; that never die are Cain, Nimrod, and Joseph.

RP: Marion, if I may interject for a moment?

MK: Go ahead.

RP: I noticed Josef Mengele's father Karl did not look anything like
him. His father was fair-skinned and robust while Josef had dark
features and a slight build. Now I realize that some people would say
that Josef inherited more of his physical traits from his mother. But,
from several of the Illuminati survivors that I have been in contact
with, this appears to be a consistent trend; that is, having one parent
that is biologically-related and one that is not.

MK: Exactly. What the Rothschilds have done is to place their seed into
other important Illuminati families. In this way, they can hide the
true identities of their offspring... But getting back to Mengele -- He
was a devout Catholic and was reported to have all the Catholic
spiritual gifts, including, stigmata. At the same time, he was heralded
as the top-ranking person in the Illuminati. The Vatican never did
ex-communicate him or any other of the top Nazi's because the
Illuminati and the Catholic church are part of the same Babylonian
religion. His fascination with twins may not only have been for genetic
experimentation, but to also play out the role of the twins, Jacob and
Esau in the Bible, which states, "Jacob have I loved, Esau have I
hated". You see, Jacob got the birthright even though he was the
second-born. Survivors have told me Josef Mengele is a second-born twin
and they sacrificed the first one in order for him [Josef] to gain more
power. The name of the first twin may have been "Kore" which is a
Hittite name. You see, Esau's first wife was a Hittite and you can find
that Abraham bought the burial place for Sarah from a Hittite whose
father's name was Kore. Well then, the interesting thing is that Esau's
first born son had seven sons. Son number 5 was Kore. From Mayer
Amschel down to 5 generations may have been Kore and Josef, besides
Guy, who is probably a half-brother and more of a "front" man. Another
interesting thing is you'll find the name James in many of the
Rothschild names, which is another translation for Jacob. Remember,
Joseph was the son of Jacob, so they have made it look like the whole
line of men leading to the Anti-Christ is from the House of Jacob --
see how this fits together?

RP: Yeah. It seems to make sense in a morbid and convoluted way.

MK: So in the book of Revelation it says that the Anti-Christ or the
Beast is the eighth of seven. Starting with Meyer Amschel Rothschild
and inserting Josef Mengele at the right place of the generation of
families it comes out to number 5. The sixth is David, representing the
House of David, and listed at number 7 is Alexander. He was named after
Alexander the Great, who was not only a revered general, but was also
the Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian religion during his reign. He was
the swiftest conqueror of the world and also a sodomite. These close-in
Rothschild survivors all have this MONARCH programming, which includes
an internal computer system called ALEX. In order to access it, you
need to find the master access code number, repeat it three times in a
row, and designate the type of information you would like to retrieve.
What I have surmized from getting into the minds of these people is
that Alexander may be the name for Anti-Christ. Alexander means,
"mighty one of Cain", according to one researcher... The Illuminati
believes they will win the final battle at Armageddon, seize the
vineyard [the world], overthrow Jesus Christ and have Lucifer rule with
the master race for 1000 years. Hitler even talked about 1000 years --
the Third Reich.

RP: Do you have any additional insights into the Illuminated

MK: Now these survivors have told me that the, "Key of David" is the
Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it
strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes
of light in the brain. They do this on a regular basis -- sort of
maintenance program to keep everything intact. As a side note, there
are Catholic black masses where they sodomize children with a crucifix
calling it the, "Peace of Mary" because once the dissociation occurs,
it almost produces a calming affect; sort of a peaceful feeling...
Another ceremony described to me is that the Rothschilds take a
pregnant 13 year old girl to a place like the Mayan pyramids and
perform a ritual in which an Anaconda snake will swallow the baby as
it's being delivered. This symbolizes giving your first fruits to
god... OK, there is supposedly a replica of the Dachau concentration
camp at the Aldin Plateau in S.E. Siberia. This is reported to be a
major programming center for Rothschild offspring. On this site is a
large temperature and humidity-controlled warehouse where they are
stockpiling the skins off the backs of 12,000 sacrificed women from
each of the other 12 bloodlines. These skins are being made into aprons
for the 144,000 bodyguards of the Anti-Christ during the, "Abomination
of Desolation", as mentioned in the book of Daniel. This is a
counterfeit of the 144,000 in the book of Revelation who will serve
Jesus. Something else I've uncovered from these survivors is that Area
51 in Nevada is called the, "New Jerusalem", where there appears to be
a large underground ceremonial temple, lake, and oasis called the,
"Garden of Eden".

RP: Do you think the UFO stuff there is a camouflage or diversion?

MK: I think it's a deceptive ploy to cover up what the Illuminati has
there. No doubt, there are high-tech machines developed by the NWO, but
you'll find that a lot of these secret underground places have a
different agenda as to what they're feeding the public.

RP: I think there was one more thing we discussed awhile back that had
to do with injections into the heart...

MK: Oh, you mean the blood injections into the heart?

RP: Yes.

MK: Well, they do that for at least a couple of reasons. One, is to
traumatize the person so they dissociate more and the other is to weed
out the weak ones -- some don't make it; you know, survival of the

RP: Have there been any repercussions, like threats on your life for
helping Illuminati Rothschild survivors?

MK: Virtually none. The Lord has helped me to not be afraid and as long
as he wants me to be alive and untouched, he won't allow anyone to get
to me.

RP: What do you think of _______ (name of individual intentionally
withheld), who is regarded as one of the foremost authorities on the
Illuminati and mind control and has written several books on the
subject matter?

MK: I think he's a double-agent working for the other side [the
Illuminati]. ______ never gets to the bottom line of what it takes to
get people free of this stuff. He tells a lot of truth but complicates
it and leaves a lot of people feeling hopeless and confused... I saw a
video of when he spoke at the Prophecy Club about the CIA programming
Amish boys for assassinations. He slipped up and almost said, "we" do
this and quickly changed it to, "they" referring to the CIA. It seemed
to un-nerve him a little bit... He says he's a Christian yet leaves his
family and moves in with a MONARCH woman, who he says he's deprogrammed
but the reality is she's still being controlled. And this is not just
my opinion but also therapists who specialize in MPD or what they now
call, DID [Dissociative Identity Disorder]. Some of these experts in
the field who have evaluated him during his presentations say that he
has the characteristics of a programmer and someone under mind
control... He and ______ had gone to a church near Portland [Oregon]
telling the pastor they have an Illuminati family in their congregation
and would like to talk to them about it. My question is, "How did they
know they were Illuminati without even knowing them?". What I think
they are trying to do is gain trust by exposing the secrets but even in
his book he says the Illuminati put out their secrets and plans up

RP: I have also read that book you are referring to and on one of the
pages he discusses how programmers test young children at an early age
to see what occupations they are best suited for. One of the
specializations was that of a, "social and religious reformer".
Interestingly, ______ was interviewed by Contact: The Phoenix
Liberator, which is regarded as a CIA "front" tabloid. Anyhow, during
the interview he was asked what his calling was and he replied: "to be
a social and religious reformer".

MK: Yes, and I know of one survivor who drew a picture of a man at a
ritual. Now this was several years ago before ______ became well known.
I showed the drawing to his ex-wife and she knew right away that was
him. She also showed it to her youngest son at he said, "that's
daddy!"... I've seen the psychological evaluation of that young boy and
it clearly shows PTSD [ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder] through sexual

RP: Any final thoughts you'd like to share?

MK: Ah, yes... I understand how hard it is for survivors to break away
from their tormentors or whatever you want to call them. If they have
not truly accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, I really
can't help them much because we're in a different paradigm or mindset.
If they are Christians wanting to get out, it's still difficult for
them because of trust issues. When survivors make up their mind and
come to me for help, there's a lot of resistance at first because
they've been brainwashed to think there is no way out from this. I
don't have any hidden agendas, I don't ask for money but I am up front
and confrontational, which doesn't mean I don't have compassion for
them... I've been accused of not being sensitive enough or not
empathetic enough but that's not necessarily what's going to set them
free from all of this. So the bottom line is this: once they get
serious to the extent of committing their time and trust to me, I can
probably help them -- and I think I have a pretty decent track record
and reputation to prove it.

Marion Knox can be reached at (541) 259-1839. His mailing address is
35136 Hwy 34, Lebanon, OR 97355