Friday, June 5, 2009


Return of the tower of Babel
A thesis on the confounding of the Canadian language
While we wonder who we are going to marry or how good we look we have overlooked some important issues that do affect us eventually. In the efforts to raise your family and find work you assumed there is enough people to look after your democratic rights. We have neglected to look at the fine print of the reality we have accepted or the fact this ignorance was passed on by trustworthy parents. While people were watching their heroes play football or parade there wares on TV there are men and woman sacrificing themselves just to get a message to you. This message cost them the serenity and calm to get a job or raise a family so they are considered failures. The real failure is that you are the tools for change that is desperately needed and you like your place and feel you earned it. The problem is we need proof to react and one persons message is not enough to call for the changes necessary to regain our freedom and rights. The truth is there is an ancient battle raging around you the length of time this battle has been going on is unknown maybe six thousand years or more. The problem of proving such a battle is going on is hindered by the constant name changes through history. The devastation can be documented and are evident all through history. The most modern name is the Roman Empire and the most ancient would be the Babylon system. Many will argue that the numbers 666 came from the roman numeral system is it a coincidence or do you need more proof. Have you ever heard of the date Friday the thirteenth, thirteen hundred seven this was a special day for the Knights Templar who were wiped out that day by a King that probably decided they had too much power. The knights Templar were exposed to a public that did not share in the belief that we should be slaves to tyranny. In modern times you watch horrific horror movies that day and watch your step because that day is bad ….right?
The Freemason were created to take the power away from the King and what better way than to corrupt his Castle builders. Yes the freemason were once stone masons skilled labour and a necessary part of building a defensive Kingdom. Without a castle or fort in those days you could find yourself a King without a castle. The tyranny wants you to believe that when you conquer leadership the enemy country will fall. This is a true if the people are oblivious to the truth and if you look closely at JFK’s speech about secret societies available on you tube or Google video. When JFK was assassinated the people simply replaced him and continued on with occult leadership making it easier for them to subvert the real danger to them and that person is you! The freemason are no longer stonemasons instead they sit in every community with a tight control on you. I think I have given you enough of a chess lesson that you might understand the Canadian History of this secret order and so I begin this history lesson.
This lesson starts With CH Douglas who started the social credit idea which is very powerful system because it is true democracy. Too make it easier understood you are born in debt in the present system think of it as playing monopoly and the bank owns you right from the start. So the winner is whoever decides to be banker and that game would probably get thrown out by mom and dad to avoid further arguments. Ch Douglas says we should all have credit kind of a minimal percentage created by the community. You already receive child tax benefits,G.S.T and if you fall down guess what the Babylon system is there to pick you up. In our present system the Catholic church provides missions for people who have fallen. The Salvation army was created by freemason and they provide soup kitchens in the present system. Ch Douglas uses cooperatives that are in work in Alberta to this day in the Utilities and one prime example is the United Farmers association. The system allows you to be born with credit much the same as a fair monopoly game. Your whole life regardless of how much money you make you are given a percentage from your community. The Alberta Wheat board is just one prime example of communism and not true democracy it should be a cooperative giving the community a share of the proceeds instead of the government paying some guy in Quebec 20,000 dollars to kick some can down the street use should really look up "adscam" and find out what the liberals did with your money and lined their "communist" pockets. Think of it as a poorly runned system would pay less to the people and they would move to a better area losing valuable resources until they wise up and fix what’s wrong. Even though the Alberta system has been corrupted the province stands stronger because the legacy of our grandfathers has not been removed from us entirely.
This story starts with a young kid named Robert Thomson who was introduced to CH Douglas Idea of social credit. He becomes the leader of a powerful party very popular due to the fact the system allows freedom and possibly pays the farmers a better fee for their work. Alberta becomes a stronghold because of the well oiled cooperatives and a heritage fund is created with the surplus. In the east a powerful Jet aircraft is invented called the Avro Arrow and this might of crushed the tyrannical powers of the day. So in come the freemason to save the corrupt bankers from not only financial freedom but the weaponry to maintain it. John Diefenbaker convinced the citizens he was the right man for the job and he gave our fighter craft with the scientist to the U.S.A later he sells us out further by buying up the U.S used fighter aircraft. John Diefenbaker (look up famous freemason ) is defeated by the Social Credit party which has now gained power in Quebec.
A French Catholic Politician rises up from Quebec named RĂ©al Caouette tries to take control of Robert Thomson’s creation. If he succeeded the well informed Albertans would of dumped the party in a heart beat well educated in the Catholic Churches Roman History . The tyrannical elite sealed the fate of Canadians by creating a bilingual language bill that separates the once cooperative colonies put forth by the Catholic Francophone Real Caoutte. William Aberhart carries again the torch of freedom only to be assassinated in a meeting with the elite banking cartels. William Aberhart manages to create the Alberta treasury Branch which funded the Worlds largest mall in West Edmonton Alberta. Ernest Manning carried the torch after Aberhart’s assassination and became a well liked politician. Preston Manning continues on in his father’s foot steps with the Reform Party and on the French side FLQ carries the torch for freedom. The Tyrannical government sends Steven Harper to the reform party as their secret agent Grant Bristow becomes Preston Manning’s Body guard. Grant Bristow Builds up an Aryan nations called of all things the Heritage front and funnels its members into the reform Party. The two parties in equal opposition are refused seats on what is called CIRC. CIRC is the government watch dog that watches CSIS our Canadian spy agency who hired Grant Bristow. They target Preston Manning and accuse him of receiving funding from subversive movements (which entirely belong to the Elitist Cartels). In Val Meredith’s minority report available on the internet in the parliamentary archives she states that CSIS did not have cooperation of their south African consulate operatives too make such a claim Which would mean of course everything was a set up. But the people believed the Catholic or freemason corporate controlled media and again the Babylon system regained control. Lately I tried to make contact with the Social Credit party only to find a Catholic in charge and not very willing to discuss the rich history of such a great party. Then 911 and the people buy into the official story ignoring the fact the building owner admitted to building seven being demolished on the same day. Many planes have hit the towers and no reaction until the buildings totally vanish, do we react not really we trust the call to disarm responsible Canadian Citizens. The Killings in the schools are caused by a cult created by freemasonry (subgenius) available in schools near you they are the gothic cults the kids wearing skulls and bones representing a new generation of secret societies. I researched the Canadian schools and found Vampire freaks are connected to the church of the subgenius they were responsible for the school killing in Quebec. Duplesis orphans witnesses to Catholic tyranny are murdered in Quebec as well as many people wondering about missing Indian Children in the western Canada. The Spanish Inquisition ruled for 600 years of hate and murder and why would we not be taught who is responsible.
Find out who owns the media Where you are getting your trusted information from Would it be Bell corp. a freemason company? (Bell expressview ,Bell simpatico, ) People Tell me I can not trust the internet then they are saying the parliament archives are false. Have you heard of the Jesuit Oath well it is true and it did happen in Wako Texas. They murdered children and hunted down Christian men and woman and you bought the story David Koresh killed himself yet churches like Subgenius are allowed to flourish just watch a few devivals on you tube and you may realize why I am urgently trying to get my message across to you. Did you know Sir John A Mcdonald was Iluminati Did you know he created the North West Mounted Police who are the RCMP today. (Just ask Tammy Olson, Irvin Olsons daughter in Tofield Alberta she told me the RCMP hold funerals for freemasons.) Did you ever wonder why Louis Real was hanged injustly. You can look up the Royal blood lines on the internet like the Rothschilds or the Bronthmans of Canada and find out you have not been reading the fine print!!! Look up Bantrel and the liberals Petrocanada(proudly Canadian Owned) and you find out they are American owned. Bechtel owns Bantral which is a oil monopoly owned by the banking cartels and CIA of the states. Good questions to ask your government is why is the Aryan nations movement now known as Nizkor mad at CSIS? Why is the official response to Grant Bristow all lies? Where is the media investigation that keeps us safe????
Myron Fagan explains the iluminati I also made a video of his speech talking how this all started in 1776 by Adam weishop a Jesuit priest. The Jesuits were created by a Catholic Spanish soldier right from the Spanish Inquisition. Denying the catholic churches involvement in the Spanish Inquisition has made them more powerful today. Powerful enough to charge people with religious persecution for even thinking thay could do such things in the past. Citizens are tortured by groups of fanatics known as gangstalkers and I have repelled many of their attacks on jobs and in my apartment The Inquisition proves they were after Jews and Muslims in the past which links them to Aryan points of view. Hitler and Musolini were devout Catholics as well as Italy was allied with Germany and the Ustasha Army and the S.S largely made up of Catholic Priests.
In world war 2 there was catholic Priests in every platoon to maintain loyalty to the church as it was most of Hitler’s generals were priests. What you are not aware of is the Church is now venturing into a game called Risk. In the board games we use plastic pieces they use US and need to make changes to make us go to war including self inflicted wounds like 911 and Hitler’s Reichstag fire. (Reichstag meaning parliament building) … The churches main power comes from creating shortages in a market that is more about gambling than it is a system to be used as a structure of a society. Ghandi knew this when the church tried to take India and he fought back by making his own salt. This process caused the Indian people to be independent and not slaves to the Illuminati Salt Mines forcing them out of the country. The salt replaces refrigerators and allows you to cure foods in a very hot environment. Nowadays they own the electricity and the fuels that provide the necessary energy and have halted brilliant Ideas like battery powered cars or engines that run on water(Stanley Meyers).
Today the Oilfields are owned by the cartels and due to the fact I am a heavy equipment operator I have seen personally the shut down of good wells by British petroleum in Alberta. In Russia an oil magnate was arrested for treason and he passed his shares to a Rothschild hoping he can further fulfill the iluminati plan. Alberta survives and is made stronger due to the shortage of oil similar to texas we have the product in abundance in oilsands as well as deep wells and incredible technology to find it. Our new premier says he is looking into the oil companies to get Alberta A Better share. What is really happening is he is giving the oil Companies an excuse to shut down in rebellion and the fact they are all owned by the cartels they will shut down causing Alberta some desperate times. This will cause you to falter on loans and lose land giving the start to another Spanish Inquisition. But suppose you know all this and you heard Alex Jones on coast to coast A.M .. Alex Jones Terrorstorm tells of betrayal and the fact you are sleeping. But he does not mention what is said here because he is Catholic and has no intentions on telling you the whole story. William Cooper a Naval Intelligence officer exposes Alex Jones on one of his Y2k shows trying to create an emergency so profound they could implement the 911 protocals like they did after the 911 disaster.
Alex Jones failed and most people listening to his show ran up and hid in the mountains in 2000. In Canada the BC revolution exposes CSIS but does not mention who owns them and controls higher than freemasonry. ( ) On the view which can be viewed on you tube Rosie Odonnal questions 911 and is ridiculed by fox news and other media(the owner Of Fox news in trouble for covering up a story about Monsanto and the milk industry). Alex Jones exposes Bohemian grove and is very informative more than the rest of us because he has the help of the elite banking cartels. Alex Jones will place you in a revolution where the church will own both sides once more and we will be the only people dieing while they play their dangerous game of chess(JESUIT OATH). Project paperclip is well known to recycle the Companies used by the natzis that have great powers today (IBM invented the first computers used in Germany to orchestrate the annihilation of Jewish people) The salesman who sold the deadly gas to the Germans called Zyklon B becomes Pope John Paul 2. Pope John Paul 1 discovered the plot and was killed. In Canadian video stores is a video made by the catholic church called Angels and demons that exposes the freemasons and the revolution in Russia and threatens the public with suit case nukes. There is an easy way to tell who is telling the truth and it is called Dialectic reasoning. When someone is telling you on both side not to listen to both sides listen to both and find out who is more willing to tell you the details. When confronted the freemason will claim ignorance and so will the catholic leaders who have taken over real democracy. Remember that reality can only hold one truth the Spanish inquisition has happened and is repeating all over again. The church is on the run and is looking for a stronghold once more and lets make sure it is not CANADA who is the next spawning of the NWO by holding community meetings and repairing the damage to the children teach them the truth and they shall be set free…..This article written by Dean Roger Ray

Simplified QUestions
Watch the JFK secret society speech on youtube
1. Do you believe the speech is really from JFK?
2. Do you believe he was a paranoid president or was his claims real?
3. Do you believe he was assassinated?
4. Do you believe the official government version of the events(lone Gunman)?
5. DID you know JFK was Catholic?
6. Did you hear JFK'S warning about the News being controlled?
Type in Youtube "fox News" and "monsanto"
1. this is a big news event why would the news not be shown mainstream and be as popular as say "Brittany spears" News is competitive the other stations could benefit? In a democracy news is governed by a credibility factor if your caught lying the other news should pick up on it and take away your credibility. Why has Fox news gotten away with this scandle?
2. search the owner of FOx NEWS to answer this question:
Is the FOX NEWS owner a member of the bilderburgs is there any articles revealing he is?
3. Are you concerned their might be something in the MILK? Do you have the right to know?
Type in freemasonry find one video for them and one against them?
1. Do you believe freemasonry exists?
2. Do you believe secret societies have a hidden benefit?
3. Do you believe antimasons should be silent about freemasonry?
4. Look up famous freemasons On surfwax or google Do you believe they should be free of scrutiny yet have so much power in the community?
5. Is the media controlled by secret societies and is the proof the fact they are not mentioned on mainstream media?
6. Do you know who the freemasons are in your community?
Look up "DOn't taze me Bro" On Youtube.
1. DID John Kerry answer his question about the secret soicieties and would the answer satisfy your curiosity? explain your answer in detail and why.
2. Do you believe John Kerry and President Bush Belong to the same secret society skull and Bones?
3. should these secret societies be exempt from the news and who would be making that decision? Should we the people approve or disaprove?
3A Is the public informed enough if secret societies are kept secret and not exposed on mainstream media?
3b Do you believe the media is informing you about everything that is happening around you?
3c Do you think the media properly prioritizes what you should know for the safety of your community?
Look up "Rothschilds" on you tube as well as "Bronthmans" of Canada
1.Who are they?
2. is it important to know that a rothschild was handed shares in the biggest oil company in russia?
3. During a gas crisis would you want to know?
Look up "Bechtel On youtube
1. DID you know Petrocanada is owned and operated by bantrel subsidiary of Bechtel?
2. Why would an American Company say it is PROUDLY CANADIAN OWNED?
3. During a gas Crisis is this news?
4. Did you know Suncor is sueing Bantrel for sabotage? Is this news during a gas crisis?
Look up "BP" or "British Petroleum" on youtube
1. How much of Canadian resources do they own?
2. Did you know the queen of England owns shares In "BP"
Look up "Haliburton"
1. did you know of the Haliburton scandle awarded contracts directly with no real competitive market?
2. Did you know Dick CHeney Worked for Haliburton?
3. Did you know Haliburton has interests in Canada? Do you care ?
4. Are you well informed about the gas crisis?

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